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VELscope® Lesion Detection In Beecroft – Lifesaving Technology At Our Fingertips

At Beecroft Elegant Dental Clinic, we pride ourselves on our technology-led services and how they can better help patients. One such piece of technology is VELscope Lesion Detection. Beecroft patients can benefit from this cutting edge technology to help detect the early signs of oral cancer.

Why is Oral Cancer Screening So Important?

Despite being one of the world’s most common cancers, affecting around 900 Australians every year, oral cancer can be hard to spot particularly if the problem occurs in the back of the mouth. Unfortunately, if not detected early, research suggests that just 60% of all patients survive for longer than 5 years. Yet, when detected early, particularly during stages 1 and 2 – survival rates increase to 92%.

This is why early detection during a cancer screening is so important and is where VELscope lesion detection in Beecroft can help.

How VELscope® Lesion Detection Works

A VELscope is a state-of-the-art handheld instrument designed to detect a wide range of infections, inflammations, and lesions during a cancer screening.

When placed in the mouth, the VELscope emits a harmless blue light that can detect anomalies below the skin tissue surface. The light stimulates the oral tissue and causes it to fluoresce. This makes it easy for the clinician to see abnormal patterns that make up oral cancer that can’t always be seen with the naked eye. The whole process is a comfortable procedure that takes just a few minutes and can easily be tagged on to a hygiene appointment or general check-up.

dental cleaning beecroft dental check-up beecroft

What VELscope® Helps to Detect

VELscope lesion detection can be used to highlight:

  • Fungal bacterial and viral infections
  • Various inflammations
  • Benign proliferating lesions such as squamous papillomas
  • Salivary gland tumours and
  • Other oral cancer lesions

If you’re concerned about oral cancer or would simply like your peace of mind book an appointment with the team for VELscope Lesion Detection in Beecroft today.

(02) 9157 9089

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