When you have multiple missing teeth, it can negatively impact your self-esteem and smile and limit your dietary choices. While dentures are functional, they do not have the same biting strength as natural teeth and can be uncomfortable to wear all day. Tooth supported bridges require significant modification to healthy teeth, compromising these teeth.
In contrast, All-on-Four is a dental implant system where replacement teeth are supported by implants placed into the jaw during a short surgical procedure. We can secure an entire arch with just four dental implants, providing you with teeth that look and feel natural and which are functional. Treatment is quick to complete, as we can fit your brand-new set of permanent teeth in just 24 hours after surgery, whereas conventional implant treatment can take several months to complete.
This innovative treatment makes use of your bone where it is thickest and strongest right at the front of the mouth, reducing the need for bone grafting. We insert two dental implants vertically, with another two on either side angled backwards, increasing support by providing greater contact with the jawbone. When we fit your new teeth in place, the bridge locks the implants together, giving you teeth that feel strong and stable.